Meet the Crab Apple Lit Team

Cassandra Sarah Pegg (she/her) is about to start her MA in English Literature at Concordia University and is working on a novel. She dabbles in poetry of the emotional variety and is a serial hobbyist. Cass’ work can be found in Soliloquies Anthology, pixie literary magazine, Dollar Store Magazine, Metatron Press’ #MicroMeta Instagram series, All Worlds Wayfarer, and Gnashing Teeth Publishing, among others. She occasionally exists on Instagram and X @cassxtle.
Katie Cossette (she/her) is a Montreal writer pursuing her MA in English Literature at Concordia University. Her work has been featured in Alien Buddha Press, Soliloquies Anthology, pixie literary magazine, Timber Ghost Press, and elsewhere. Along with being co-founder and co-EIC of Crab Apple Literary, Katie worked as an editor for the Literature Undergraduate Colloquium at Concordia (LUCC). Her interests include horror movies/books (always open to recommendations), stickers, and walking outside until her legs give out beneath her. You can find her on Instagram ( and Twitter (cossette_katie).