Father Triptych
Rachel Orta
My father, lonely
eyes judge people
see them count
balloons each birthday
forsaken miserly wishes
my father was lonely all his life he sits now free of children
and I will be too pondering praying to no longer be
trapped in a notion my father is lonely counting up all the I love yous
which equates family and I am too caught up ruminating
he was here with flowers for my birthdays my father will be lonely
he is no longer wishing and I am.
We, like crisp edges of paper wrapped, present at the close of a wish: my father, below an expanse of bellowing balloons, myself, bouquet hoping, loft eyes around room, brood each year over who we could be, my father’s father, broken he died, alonehearted, buried by possession.
Rachel Orta (she/her) is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She gravitates towards dream-like themes, often inspired by mysteries of nature and complexities of family. Orta’s writing has recently appeared in FERAL and Heimat Review. A full list of her published pieces and links to social media can be found here - https://linktr.ee/RachelOrta.