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Shauna Friesen


what am i

a teeny tiny pearl

a pastel pill for pain

a little bead of blood

can i stay this way forever

looking through this prism of pink


what the fuck

so bright

so fucking bright

i am velvet and six eyeballs

is anyone seeing this

is this what i grew teeth for

is this why i am all stomach

to eat up color

to be so full of purple and green

i slosh when i walk


oh no

how do i get out

i think i screwed the night sky onto myself like a lid

i am breathing syrup like a jarred peach 

quartered and candied

how many times can my halves be halved

before there is nothing left to slice

a blade put to slush


let me have this

let me through

get the fuck out of my way

i have to guzzle this glowbulb in gulps

slam my body blue

for one lick of lamplight


Shauna Friesen is a mountain climber, rock collector, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Her words have been featured in Pithead Chapel and Fictive Dream.

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